Hi, I’m Andria
I live in Monmouth County, New Jersey about five miles from the beach. I love puzzles and games. I’m left-handed. I bowl in a very laid back league. I love going to the beach and watching the surfers. I speak Spanish pretty well, and I know about 100 words in French. I hate coming up with interesting factoids about myself.
All that aside, I’ve been “playing with computers” for over 25 years. In my teens, I started the “NJ Punk Page” to list bands and punk shows happening around Jersey. These days, I’m a senior product manager who specializes in usability and user experience.
Product Management Is Fun
- I like working in the liminal space between the people who need stuff and the people who build it. I work to understand and advocate for each.
- I like digging in to find the root of a problem and creating features that make users happier.
- I’m big on empathy and being the voice of the user. We can’t forget that we’re humans building software for humans.
- Getting everyone aligned on goals is essential to building something valuable. You can ship the most beautiful interface in the history of design, but if it doesn’t do what people need it to, no one will use it.